If you are saddled with student loan debt, student loan forgiveness offers a promising way out. It can wipe away some — or ...
Borrowers are wondering what will happen to their loans and repayment plans if President Trump closes the Department of ...
Trump signed an executive order to limit eligibility for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. His Department of Education is ...
President Trump's newest order threatens to severely undermine a popular student loan forgiveness program. Here's what ...
The president signed an order that would deny loan forgiveness to workers for groups engaged in “substantial illegal ...
While canceled or reduced loans are generally tax-free at the federal level, you may face hefty tax bills in 19 states.
While details remain unclear, the move appears to be aimed at organizations working on causes the Trump administration ...
President Trump's order aims to disqualify employers engaging in what he labeled "anti-American" activities from student loan ...
The president says some nonprofit organizations that qualify for the program are engaging in illegal activity, without ...
President Donald Trump is ordering changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program that would disqualify workers of ...
An estimated four million student loan borrowers were more than 90 days overdue on repayment by the end of February 2025, ...
His answer comes just days after the tense Oval Office meeting between Vance, Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr ...