These tech giants recognize that the next generation of microprocessors to be used for AI calculations at data centers will ...
Distrust over the federal government’s ability to build a permanent repository played a critical role in committee’s decision to kill controversial ‘temporary’ storage bill.
The UK government has decided that the UK’s stockpile of some 140 tonnes of civil plutonium will be immobilised ...
Swedish radioactive waste management company Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (SKB) has begun excavation works to extend its Final ...
As a plan to store the nation's nuclear waste circulates, people around Hayden aren't sure this is the "just transition" they want ...
The Labour minister agreed with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to dump140 tonnes of nuclear waste, currently stored at ...
Saugeen Ojibway Nation says it will issue a moratorium on the nuclear intensification of its traditional territory if ...