Enigmatic planet Mercury posed for some closeups when the BepiColombo mission flew by. Craters, bright regions and volcanic ...
BepiColombo made its sixth and final flyby of Mercury on Wed (Jan. 8) capturing images of the tiny planet hinting at the ...
In a thrilling close approach, the BepiColombo mission captured its final, stunning images of Mercury before its orbit ...
The Franklin Institute's Derrick Pitts says Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will be 'easy to see at a comfortable time of observing.' ...
In our solar system, Earth is one of only three worlds that sees temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while other ...
In late February, Mercury joins the planet parade in the early evening sky as Saturn departs ... The moon will be in totality ...
In late February, Mercury joins the planet parade in the early evening ... The moon will be in totality and turn the color of blood (well, orange-ish at least) from 2:26 a.m. until 3:31 a.m ...
Mars reaches its much-anticipated opposition with the sun on Jan. 15, when Earth passes between Mars and the sun. Because ...
Mars has a distinctive red-orange color and rises in the east-northeast ... In another week or so, the planet Mercury will become easy to spot in the east-southeast during the last hour before ...
As an evening star, Mercury appears in the western ... constellation of Leo the Lion. The planet and star will be at almost equal brightness and their color contrast will be striking.
Next year's events that are visible to Californians include a rare peek at Mercury; Venus and Jupiter cozying up; and a total lunar eclipse.