In a five-minute speech that was posted overnight, Mark Zuckerberg announced a libertarian shift to take place on Meta platforms Instagram and Facebook. In the speech Zuckerberg came out strongly ...
Can kids make great art? If the role of the artist is to offer a new perspective to ponder, surely a child could do this too.
Plants in the native Australian Duboisia genus used in indigenous Australian drugs are now incorporated into a multimillion-dollar industry.
It was 10 years ago – the end of 2014 – when I first said goodbye to the Amazon. Since May 2013, I’d been spending most of my time in Ecuadorian indigenous communities in the forest, as part of ...
Many of Australia’s federal and state politicians received a pay increase this year. The federal pollies received a 3.5% rise from the start of the current financial year. That means $230,000 for the ...
The provocative saga of MONA’s Ladies Lounge continues and is perhaps reaching climax with the announcement of their legal win, the show re-opening, an upcoming party, and, a new fragrance ‘The ...