This is a big year for our union where we will be using our influence to help the government get the big decisions right and help to deliver progress and change for our members, writes Prospect ...
The Government has announced a plan to try to harness the opportunities of AI to drive economic growth and transform services. The key changes the Government says it wants to bring in include: forging ...
The Government has published its Clean Energy Action Plan which sets out how it is going to go about meeting its goal of 95% clean energy generation by 2030. The plan looks at the the different forms ...
Who is the course for? Any Rep who has completed part 1 or the ‘Effective health and safety’ course. This course is focused on how to represent members with their personal cases. How to confidently ...
Private sector trade union membership stands at just 12% ...
Welcome to the Bectu Intimacy Coordinators Hub. Here you will find links to our guidance on shooting intimacy, the Bectu IC Registry, and links to articles. The Bectu Intimacy Coordinators branch are ...
Gain a better understanding of your responsibilities around safety in the workplace. This short course for entry-level employees and freelancers in the TV and film industry includes a multi-choice ...
All over the UK, Bectu reps and officials work hard to improve your time at work. Our members are proud to work for the BBC, it may not be perfect, but together we work tirelessly to improve things.
We’ll support you when you have a problem, but that’s not all we’re about. Bectu members get exclusive benefits across their work and leisure life. Bectu is uniquely placed to assist with problems at ...
In Bectu’s Public Liability Insurance policy documents, we say “completed a basic BECTU recognised Operational Pyrotechnic Safety Awareness Course” we mean that any member who has been on the “Stage ...
Who is the course for? You may also wish to attend the other ‘how to’ courses in Effective public speaking, minute taking and meetings. Ideally attendees will have completed either ‘An effective ...
This course is will teach you more about becoming a good communicator and how you can use these skills in your union role. Any rep who has attended Reps part 1 who is interested in learning more about ...