For some people whose stomach doesn’t function properly, a catheter with sensors is inserted to examine the stomach. This requires a (light) anaesthetic, but doctors are keen to measure stomach ...
The safety of underground disposal facilities for highly radioactive waste from nuclear power plants can be guaranteed for a million years. That's the conclusion of a study carried out by Covra, the ...
You can now work on losing your fear of heights with a smartphone, a pair of cheap VR glasses and an app developed in the Netherlands. Fear of heights in itself can be quite debilitating, and also ...
Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito, and felt nothing at the time? That experience has now been exploited to design a painless injection needle using the principle of biomimicry, which develops ...
The Netherlands should focus on the development and production of electrolysers that convert renewable energy into green hydrogen. AkzoNobel's Joost Sandberg argued this point during a meeting ...
The Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor program at TU Delft is no longer open to non-EU students. The university took this decision after 1100 students enrolled, forty-five percent of them ...
DAF Trucks and VDL have presented their first electric truck. With a range of 100 km, it was designed for the distribution of cargo in cities, where the need for quiet, emission-free vehicles is the ...
Students of Delft University of Technology have presented various robots in the Science Centre Delft, including an insatiable duckweed-eater and Fizzy, a cuddly robot ball for children suffering from ...
De duurrecords voor kernfusiereacties volgen elkaar momenteel snel op. Franse atoomwetenschappers zijn erin geslaagd een ...
Het is daarom belangrijk dat de auto’s die worden opgeladen zich naar behoren gedragen want anders leidt dat tot een afname ...
De naam Buys Ballot zullen de meesten nog wel kennen, al is het maar van de wet die verklaart dat het lagedrukgebied zich ...
Laserbundels kunnen drones uit de lucht schieten, maar mensen zijn niet snel genoeg om goed te richten. AI biedt hulp.