Resigned after a 13 year career in print media. After that, I wrote for a number of local and international media. Asad is interested in various environmental issues, corporate crime, animal ...
Richaldo, who goes by name Rico, is Journalist in Jakarta who has focused on environmental issues for more than 9 years. Having worked with many publications from local to International, including ...
After my degree in journalism, I worked in editorial and communications for several environmental nonprofits. It was climate anxiety, and a love for India’s breathtaking landscapes, that gravitated me ...
I am a Documentary and Video Practitioner, with more than four years of experience. The nuances of everyday-life is where my multitudes of questions are born. The process of making documentaries helps ...
In January 2018, Mongabay India was launched to reach an Indian audience with information about the state of India’s environment. Mongabay-India is a conservation and environment news and features ...
Please find our IRS filings. Our federal EIN is 45-3714703 and our official name is “Mongabay.Org Corporation”, which in some systems is listed as “Mongabayorg Corporation”.
Delivering news and inspiration from nature’s frontline.
Basten writes with fierce passion about marine and fisheries issues, but his beats also include human rights, wildlife conservation, public health and their intersections. He also facilitates ...
David Brown is a biologist and environmental educator. He has researched giraffe population genetics, and along with his colleagues discovered that many of the giraffe subspecies in the wild may be ...
Bobby has been an environmental journalist since completing her master’s degree in Geography. Before joining Mongabay she worked for the public radio program Living on Earth, serving as the managing ...
Sonal has previously worked with a consultancy, non-profits and corporates gaining three different perspectives and experiences in the domain of environment which she brings to her role at Mongabay.
Spoorthy Raman is a staff writer at Mongabay who loves to write about the amazing wildlife we share our planet with. Her foray into environmental journalism began with an Internship at Mongabay in ...