A tragic accident unfolded on Sunday, January 26, as two ski tourers, aged 60 and 70, lost their lives in an avalanche in the Hautes-Pyrénées region of France. Despite significant search and rescue ...
A basic version of Sauce is free and doesn’t rely on ads. However, users can support Mayfield’s work through Patreon. For £2 per month, Patreon supporters gain access to additional features like ...
Countries like Italy, Spain, and Switzerland adopt a stricter approach. In Italy's Aosta Valley, for example, "comfort rescues" are billed to the individuals involved. This system places financial ...
Run along the banks of the Saone. As I got closer to the peninsula the wind got stronger. The target was 5m45s for each km. I didn't quite manage it. First was spot on but then I struggled as it got ...
The forecasters from Meteo France Bourg St Maurice have been out on the terrain with members of the CRS from Albertville. They were touring the slopes above Val Cenis in the Haute-Maurienne, in ...
The French Alps have experienced a series of avalanches this weekend, highlighting the critical risks of off-piste skiing and the necessity of strict safety precautions. Authorities have emphasized ...