Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human ...
In 2015, world leaders made a commitment to end all forms of violence against children by 2030, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This moment presents an historic opportunity to ...
We have a clear vision for the Republic of the Marshall Islands, “in our hands is our future”. This vision guides our efforts as a resilient, productive, and self-supportive nation. Embracing the ...
. Encadrer, former et valoriser l’apport incontournable des femmes leaders en politique locale, pour orienter la prise de décisions au sein des Conseils élus vers la promotion de l’égalité de genres ...
This project aims to help Tonga move away from fossil fuels and shift to renewables. The project will deliver utility-scale storage systems to provide base load response and grid stability, paving the ...
The Government of Aruba, Carbon War Room and the New America Foundation have launched the Smart Island Strategy for Aruba. This strategy will work with Aruban citizens and stakeholders through social ...
Social goods (trust, solidarity, helpfulness, friendliness and hospitality) is a interdisciplinary non-material core asset to achieving the SDG. Our Social Capital Assessment runs in 50 languages and ...
Volunteers and volunteer effort are essential to the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and to achieving the aim of eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity. Without the contributions ...
The below is a listing where the government/entity/organization Bangladesh Association of Sustainable Development is listed as a partner.
1. Timor-Leste’s achievements as the newest country in Asia are underpinned by its commitment to reconciliation, inclusion and democracy. Emerging from Portuguese colonial administration and ...
The new international global development agendas – the Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the New Urban Agenda– offer an unprecedented opportunity for local ...
The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (the Alliance) is an umbrella organization that currently represents more than 200 member NGOs from 90-plus countries, and it is growing. The Alliance ...