Analog Devices provides device drivers for both FPGA and microprocessor designs, which help facilitate software development for developers using digital devices from ADI. Analog Devices makes it ...
With the proliferation of digital phased arrays in commercial and aerospace and defense applications, there are many engineers working on various aspects of the design who have limited phased array ...
Comparator ICs are designed to compare the voltages that appear at their inputs and to output a voltage representing the sign of the net difference between them. In a comparator circuit, if the ...
Q. I've just been reading datasheets of some recently released Analog Devices log amps and I'm still a little confused about what exactly a log amp does. A. You're not alone. Over the years, I have ...
计步器是一种颇受欢迎的日常锻炼进度监控器,可以激励人们挑战自己,增强体质,帮助瘦身。早期设计利用加重的机械开关检测步伐,并带有一个简单的计数器。晃动这些装置时,可以听到有 ...
DS1023是一款8位可编程延迟线,其功能与DS1020/DS1021类似。 新增了其他特性以扩展应用范围: 内部延迟线架构经过修改,允许 ...
LTspice ® 是一款强大高效的免费仿真软件、原理图采集和波形观测器,为改善模拟电路的仿真提供增强功能和模型。 启动此部分的现成LTspice演示电路: 第1步:下载并在计算机上安装LTspice。
Maxim的1-Wire ® 器件都带有一个64位的唯一注册码,存储在只读存储器内(ROM),能够在1-Wire网络中通过1-Wire主机对其寻址。如果1-Wire网络中从机器件的ROM码是未知的,则可采用搜索算法查找这些码。
许多行业都需要能够在极端高温等恶劣环境下可靠工作的电子设备。依照传统做法,在设计需要在常温范围之外工作的电子设备时,工程师必须采用主动或被动冷却技术,但某些应用可能无法 ...
飞行时间(ToF)相机凭借更小的外形尺寸、更宽的动态感测范围,以及在多种环境下工作的能力,成为优选的深度传感方法。虽然ToF技术已在科学和军事领域应用多年,但随着21世纪初图像传感技术 ...
关于相控阵天线方向图,我们将分三部分介绍,这是第二篇文章。 在第一部分中,我们介绍了相控阵转向概念,并查看了影响阵列增益的因素。在第二部分,我们将讨论栅瓣和波束斜视。
Signal Chain Designer is a web-based tool designed to create and simulate complex precision signal chains. See your circuit’s performance before you commit to your ...