Crypto companies, executives and investors have raised more than any other industry to influence the 2024 elections. Crypto now trails only the fossil fuel industry in political spending since 2010.
Binance blacklists attacker addresses linked to Clipper malware. Users advised to double-check wallet addresses before sending. Stealer-type malware increases, targets crypto transactions and wallet ...
Robbery gang conducted series of violent break-ins, crypto heists. Crew stole a total of $3.5 million in crypto, laundered funds. Prison sentences of five to 20 years handed out to other members. A ...
US sanctions Cambodian crypto scams tied to forced labour. Crypto fraud losses surged almost 154% from 2021 to 2023: FBI. Santa Clara prosecutor Erin West takes on rising crypto fraud. The US has ...
A version of this article appeared in our Roundup newsletter on September 13. Sign up here. Crypto lobbying group Blockchain Association says to brace for more legal attacks this month. That’s because ...
Wolfgang Münchau is a columnist for DL News. He is co-founder and director of Eurointelligence, and writes a column on European affairs for the New Statesman. Opinions are his own. The gold price has ...
Judge rules in favour of Coinbase in SEC battle. Coinbase wins motion to compel discovery. Key documents must be shared by SEC. A federal judge ruled in favour of Coinbase in its ongoing legal battle ...
Zurich Cantonal Bank moves into crypto services. ZKB offers trading and storage of crypto. Third-party banks can utilise ZKB's crypto services. Zurich Cantonal Bank, Switzerland’s fourth-biggest bank, ...
Gavin Wood, the co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Polkadot, has a new venture up his sleeve. In a rare interview, the Lancaster, England native explained how he would fix digital identities with a ...
PitchBook report says VC fundraising may top 2023. Tougher regulator scrutiny, scandals and economic uncertainty have held back investors. However, PitchBook says VCs will break their funding record ...
Trump's World Liberty Financial could raise $540 million for insiders. Code tests show plans for a token sale that values the project at $1.8 billion. It’s not clear if the token sale will draw the ...
Crypto bank Custodia is fighting the Kansas City Fed in court. In a brief, the Fed’s banks say a win for Custodia sets a dangerous precedent. Crypto bank Custodia’s fight with the Kansas City Federal ...