In February 1985 Glenys and Ray Stephens found themselves both teaching new entrants at schools a kilometre apart, Ray at Sumner Primary, Glen at Van Asch College, a school for the hearing-impaired.
The Board of NZCER consists of five elected members and one member appointed by the Minister of Education. The Board, as it sees fit, can co-opt up to three additional people to be members of the ...
Climate change presents escalating risks to young people and communities, including risks to the achievement of educational outcomes.
Te Urungi is an online assessment for beginner to intermediate ākonga from Year 4 onwards to demonstrate their knowledge of te reo Māori. Featuring over 270 pātai, audio support and full digital ...
Stories are one critical aspect of literacy across the life span. For young children, stories invite engagement in shared thinking, and social and emotional connections with others in family homes and ...
Using an infamous case of cyber bullying, Dennis Sumara, Brent Davis, and Tammy Iftody examine how we should teach “ethical know-how” for use in the social spaces of the Internet—a world that disrupts ...
The metaphor of a feedback loop underpinned a significant curriculum change in a first year teacher-education unit. Assessment for Learning (AfL) practices such as discussing examples of previous ...
Young people should not miss out on education because they are menstruating; a normal part of life. The importance of supporting students who menstruate is recognised internationally, with countries ...
In this article, we consider how assessment might reinforce New Zealand curriculum goals of knowing and doing in science for active and informed participation in societies that rely on scientific ...
Digital citizenship education (DCE) is a concept that looks to develop learners as competent, critical, and active participants in digitally connected societies. The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) ...
This year, New Zealand’s Ministry of Education published a draft curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2006), as part of the consultative process associated with the development of the next school ...
A commentary on “Confronting storms, fires, and pestilence: Meaningful evaluation for a hazardous world” by Juha I. Uitto (2021).