A review of the scientific literature by the UOC has concluded that consuming moderate amounts of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, may facilitate muscle recovery and alleviate pain ...
The curricular internship gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the professional world and integrate and consolidate the skills and learning they have developed while studying on a ...
Within this line of research, we are working on psychological interventions for the prevention and promotion of health and well-being in different contexts (face-to-face vs. online environments, ...
Laia Blasco, a researcher in the Design, Art, Technology and Society (DARTS) group, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications and director of the Bachelor of Arts ...
To navigate through the UOC page, JavaScript must be enabled, but it seems to be disabled or not compatible with your browser. If you want to browse the UOC, change your browser settings to enable ...
"There is a great risk of bias entering the algorithms because of the nature of the people who write algorithms. So, it is hugely important that the programmers, the authors, are diverse, in their ...
To navigate through the UOC page, JavaScript must be enabled, but it seems to be disabled or not compatible with your browser. If you want to browse the UOC, change your browser settings to enable ...
Through our Open Knowledge Action Plan we aim to make the UOC a hub for open knowledge, one with global reach capable of providing solutions to the global challenges identified in the 2030 Agenda.
The UOC is a global university and a digital native. Its mission and public duty is to provide people with lifelong learning, and as a part of this, it generates knowledge in the intersection between ...
E-learning makes internationalization easier for everyone. We are aware of the importance of international experiences at the higher education stage and the difficulties that many people face in ...
This section sets out the teaching indicators that enable degrees within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) to be monitored and analysed. The initial dropout rate is the % of ...
This research line aims to study food (as a transversal item), nutrition and gastronomy from biosocial perspectives linked to the digital world. It is interested in changes in eating habits and food ...