The meticulously curated show, starring Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, illuminates the context and artistic achievements of the mid-20th century.
Art, literature, and painting are vital means of expressing human experiences, emotions, beliefs, and values .
Each night, you look into your lover’s eyes and ask, “Will no legacy media outlet tell me what are the best movies on Hulu?” ...
Similarly, contemporary artist Josef Kursky's dynamic abstract oeuvre is crafted with thoughtfully ... Mr. Kursky's style is akin to Surrealism, Expressionism and the automatic painting of Joan Miro.
Tabish Khan the @LondonArtCritic picks his top 5 painting exhibitions to see in London this Autumn.
Hidden mother photographs, depicting obscured adults supporting children, highlight Victorian culture's focus on nurturing and the mother-child bond.
The vision of Fine Music Radio is to uplift, inspire and entertain its target audience by presenting quality classical and jazz music, and by broadcasting information on cultural and artistic events ...