These brave men and women fought for equality and acceptance and forged a path ahead for the LGBTQ+ community.
B eing Black in America is an honor and a privilege. Black people in this country have endured and overcome so much while simultaneously contributing to every aspect of America’ ...
Kurt Russell has had some of the most quotable lines in some of the most quotable movies of all time. Movies like Tombstone, ...
Director Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan is an award-winning war epic with some memorable dialogue. These are the film ...
To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only ...
Bryant stepped off the court in a Lakers jersey for the final time the following year. He scored 60 points in his finale and ...
With Martin Luther King day coming up, it’s a good time to take time to remember a man who’s words touched lives and changed ...
These are the one-liners that made the character famous and helped launch the movie into the pantheon of great comedies. "Heywood (portrayed by Brewers pitcher Pete Vuckovich) leads the league in ...
What are some famous quotes by Swami Vivekanand? “Take up an idea, devote yourself, struggle in patience, and the sun will rise.” “Arise, awake, and don't stop till you reach your goal.” ...
"This would make this event significantly more severe than the 2018 Butte County Camp fires, the highest insured loss wildfires in California's history previously (with insured losses of roughly ...