Henry Louis Gates ... Holy macaroni. GATES: And a window into the hidden past. MORALES: I was afraid you would find this. (laughter). BLADES: My goodness. I've seen this show before, and I ...
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, who grew up in Michigan are guests of host Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the latest episode of "Finding Your Roots" on PBS.
Per the official synopsis, in the episode, which airs Tuesday, Gates introduces actors Debra Messing and Lynskey to their ...
Watch Kristen Bell learn her ancestor was a spy for the British and on the 'wrong side of history' in an exclusive 'Finding Your Roots' clip.
As proof of an ancestor named William Bell's duplicity, the PBS show's host, Henry Louis Gates Jr., presents the actress with an affidavit that had been written on behalf of him in 1787 ...
Debra Messing and Melanie Lynskey were shocked to discover they had famous - if distant - relatives on Tuesday's episode of ...
The show, known for delving into the familial ... Hosted by the esteemed historian, Henry Louis Gates Jr., this week's episode not only illuminated Morgan's lineage but also provided insight ...
she discovered a DNA connection to the Snatched actress through the PBS show Finding Your Roots, hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. Navarro explained, “The host of Finding Your Roots on PBS was ...
Discover your ancestry at a free genealogy workshop at the Black Archives of Mid-America on March 8. Learn expert research techniques & trace your roots.
Melanie Lynskey is one of the latest celebrities taking a deep dive into ancestry on Finding Your ... When asked by host Henry Louis Gates Jr. about how it feels to read this document, Lynskey ...