Homeschooling is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional schooling, accommodating personalized learning needs. Zodiac signs like Virgo, Can ...
Gov. Brad Little promises $50M for private school choice if bill meets his standards: fair, responsible, transparent and ...
Iskra Smiljanic and Boris Iyutin are hoping Exploratores will help foster a love for science, engineering, and tinkering in ...
Missouri lawmakers are proposing bigger scholarships for students with financial need, allowing more universities to grant ...
Iowa parents who homeschool children would be allowed to teach other people's kids and charge tuition for their homeschooling ...
The bill included a tax credit increase for parents of students in public, private and homeschool for tuition and textbooks ...
Nothing about SB 1031 would infringe on religious freedoms — it merely brings Virginia homeschool law in alignment with other ...
The North Dakota House moved forward a bill that would provide a tax credit for homeschooling children Monday. Some ...
Two new private school choice bills emerged Wednesday — one from the House and one from the Senate. The House bill would create a $50 million tax credit covering private school expenses. The Senate ...
If you thought you'd never use that high school algebra again, "Math, Math Everywhere" will prove you've got another thing ...