貼文曝光後,不少機車族也紛紛回應「真的,路上看到好多JEGO,資費199元真的是買菜車王者」、「很多人小通勤、純買菜超適合買JEGO,199元資費太 ...
Addressing separate press conferences, former MLA Kuna Srisailam Goud, Fisheries Corporation Chairman Mettu Sai Kumar and others urged Mr. KCR and Mr. KTR to condemn the derogatory tone and tenor ...
83輛燒到全毀、只剩骨架,另1輛則是半毀。(圖/翻攝畫面) 警消表示,現場共有84輛機車遭火噬,其中83輛燒到全毀、只剩骨架,另1輛則是半毀;此外由於一旁大樓受到濃煙波及,警消也協助130名住戶疏散,無人受傷送醫,至於詳細起火原因,仍有待火調人員進一步調查釐清。
桃園市大園區三民路二段巷內一處停滿機車的大樓旁空地12日晚間9時30分傳出火警,警消獲報後出動20車、54人趕赴現場,並立即架設水線灌救 ...
Hindi is one among the 22 official languages of India. Why only push Hindi?,” asked KTR, as the former minister is popularly known. “Linguistic diversity is one of the biggest strengths of India and ...
歷經十年磨劍! 中油開發的軟碳電池目前正式亮相,率先加入中油換電平台的三陽工業董事長吳清源說,有了這顆電池,今年才是台灣真正啟動電動 ...
新北市三重區大同南路昨天凌晨發生一起嚴重車禍,1名69歲老婦獨自沿著車道邊緣行走,突然被1輛機車由後方追撞,3人全都昏迷送醫,機車騎士和 ...
本網站使用相關技術提供更好的閱讀體驗,同時尊重使用者隱私,點這裡瞭解中央社隱私聲明。當您關閉此視窗,代表您同意 ...
The X account of HMDA also does not follow any incumbent ministers, but follows a 1 million+ account by the title “Minister KTR”. Similarly, several GHMC zonal accounts also follow the handles ...
Hyderabad: BRS working president K.T. Rama Rao scored a self-goal on Sunday when he tried to criticise the Congress government on the state’s performance in the Business Reforms Action Plan ...
去年兒少交通事故死傷人次突破三萬人大關,高於過去四年同期。四年來,機車交通事故死亡人數三三八人,占交通事故死亡 ...
BRS president and former chief minister KCR and working president KTR Hyderabad: BRS president and former chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended greetings to the people of Telangana on the ...