"Last Days" is directed by Justin Lin and chronicles the true story of John Allen Chau, a missionary who was killed contacting a secluded tribe.
Have you ever wondered what was the last song your favorite music artists recorded in the studio before they died? Or what ...
Premiering at Sundance, the 'Lemonade' director's film blends a fictional Afro-futurist narrative, archival research, multimedia work and personal history.
Fast & Furious' director Justin Lin's 'Last Days,' indie drama about a missionary killed by those he hopes to convert never enlightens ...
The 'Fast & Furious' franchise helmer's new film relates the true-life tale of a young man who met his doom while attempting ...
"Last Days," which premiered Tuesday at the Sundance Film Festival, depicts the events which led missionary John Allen Chau ...
Last Days is a dramatization of the final days in the life of John Allen Chau, a 26-year-old Christian mercenary who traveled ...
One volcanologist who has spent time studying the volcano said the devastation its eruption would cause would be "complete and incomprehensible." ...