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Judy Garland is the quintessential musical movie star of the 20th century, so let's take a rousing jaunt through some of her ...
Singer and actress Judy Garland (June 10, 1922–June 22, 1969) achieved fame and success early on. At 13, she quickly gained popularity among studio executives through her films with costar Mickey ...
How many Broadway shows has Judy Garland been in? Judy Garland has appeared on Broadway in 4 shows. How many West End shows has Judy Garland been in? Judy Garland has not appeared in the West End ...
Judy Garland‘s most iconic role is Dorothy ... Little Christmas" are both included on the AFI list of 100 greatest songs from American films. Garland's concerns about the film, as well as ...
The Judy Garland Show is an American musical variety ... TV Guide included the series in their 2013 list of 60 shows that were "Cancelled Too Soon".
Ariana Grande used to impersonate Judy Garland. The 31-year-old beauty was obsessed with 'The Wizard of Oz' - the 1939 musical-fantasy film - during her younger years, and Ariana has recalled ...