Telkom, SA's third largest mobile operator, announced the sale of approximately 4 000 towers and masts earlier this year. Telkom has disposed its Swiftnet masts and tower business. Picture: iStock ...
Sandisk Corporation, the maker of flash drives and memory cards, debuted a new logo today, and it’s based on a single pixel. “It all started with the pixel, which is the fundamental smallest ...
Receive News24 Business writer-at-large Carol Paton's articles about the political economy, state-owned enterprises and energy sector.
"Merger semoga baik untuk industri lah," ujar Ririek di Graha Merah Putih. Telkom Hub, Jakarta, Senin (16/12). Ririek menambahkan akan tetap ada persaingan antara operator selular meski hanya tersisa ...
JAKARTA, - Rumah Sakit Islam Cempaka Putih mengonfirmasi bahwa MR (27) orangtua dari bayi yang diduga tertukar, sempat melihat anaknya setelah dilahirkan. Direktur Utama RS Islam Cempaka ...
With less than three years to go in the build-up to the 2027 Rugby World Cup in Australia, World Rugby have unveiled the tournament’s official logo and vibrant visual identity. The announcement ..., Jakarta - Sel darah putih atau leukosit merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem pertahanan tubuh manusia. Meski jumlahnya tidak sebanyak sel darah merah, fungsi sel darah putih sangatlah ...
Saadia Group, which acquired the department store during a bankruptcy auction four years ago and ran it until early this year, in 2022 had replaced the familiar, idiosyncratic logo with a ..., Jakarta Tidak ada yang lebih menyebalkan daripada menemukan noda membandel pada pakaian putih favorit Anda. Entah itu noda kopi, saus, atau bahkan bekas keringat yang menguning, pakaian ...
Mars has responded to comparisons between the new men’s Six Nations branding and its famous chocolate bar’s logo by describing the two brands as a “match made in heaven”. Supporters ...
Hal tersebut dikatakan karena Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Simalungun, Esron Sinaga yang saat itu menjabat Kadis Peizinan Kota Pematangsiantar terlibat korupsi dalam Proyek pembangunan Gedung ...
Tbk (Telkom) bersama anak usahanya, Telkomsat sukses meluncurkan Satelit Merah Putih 2 langsung dari Cape Canaveral.