Space-Time Smackdown is an upcoming expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket. This update will add new cards, alongside seemingly new types of cards, and finally introduces the long-awaited trading feature.
The Master Ball pattern is a rarity already, when added to the Pokemon TCG Prismatic Evolution set, they become quite ...
And just like that, Pokemon Sleep has now been out for a year and a half! It's commendable how something that seemed so odd ...
Pokemon fans have a new version of Monopoly to check out, featuring a board and pieces themed after the incredibly popular ...
The Space-Time Smackdown expansion will focus on the Sinnoh region and will feature Dialga and Palkia as the figurehead ...
One Pokemon TCG Pocket player has managed to collect an insane amount of cards in just less than three months.
Pokemon TCG Pocket ... how challenging the math behind digital Solitaire can be for game developers. “Something like ...
A Pokemon TCG Pocket player has noticed a major discrepancy in the stat spread of Stage 1 Pokemon that leaves one particular monster high and dry. While popular, Pokemon TCG Pocket isn’t perfect ...
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - Getting your child to read or brush up on their math skills can sometimes feel like pulling teeth. Often, they just want to play games and have fun. Attorney Nick Simonson ...
Abilities are crucial in competitive Pokemon battles, making Hidden Abilities like Huge Power and Levitate highly sought after for their power and immunity. Certain Abilities like Shadow Tag and ...
If students are notably upset, tired, or not into it for whatever reason, they take small breaks to play math games. That approach helped Rahul Sodadasi, a first year at UMBC studying cyber security, ...
This feature will be a floating action button that says ‘Play something’, as per details from 9to5google. The new ‘Play something’ button reportedly appears against a black background with white text, ...