Social media has been abuzz over the past 24 hours as Nigerian singer Oludipe David, popularly known as Spyro, publicly clashed with music executive Ubi Franklin and showbiz mogul Paul Okoye ...
As features in our Top 10 Hoaxes for April Fools earlier in the year, the Tauntaun sleeping bag captured the imagination of Star Wars fans the world over and saw them lobby the company to put it into ...
Unknown to many, it is also home to different varieties of yam, locally known as ubi, widely known as ube in other parts of the country, a root crop that grows abundantly in the province.
Selamat tahun baru, semoga keselamatan dan kebahagiaan senantiasa menyertai Anda di tahun baru ini. "Mugi taun anyar iki maringi berkah lan kasedhiyan ing gesang panjenengan." Semoga tahun baru ini ...
Mesoblast (ASX:MSB) was the top performer for the year up 835% (as of December 30). On December 18 Mesoblast announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had finally approved its therapy ...
PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya (Mayora Group) berkolaborasi dengan PT Sarinah melalui Bakul (Sarinah Bazar Kuliner) tergerak untuk menghadirkan Pucuk Coolinary Festival 2023 ... - Ubi jalar merupakan jenis umbi yang bergizi tinggi. Tak cuma kaya karbohidrat, sumber makanan ini juga kaya vitamin, mineral, dan antioksidan. Biasanya ubi jalar diolah menjadi jajanan ...