The majority of geese that migrate to Mississippi are the lesser snow geese. The lesser snow goose has two color phases, a blue phase and a white phase and should not be confused with the smaller, but ...
This pint-sized relative of the Snow Goose has been surrounded by mystery and surprise. Explorers recognized it as a different bird as early as 1770, but it was not described to science until 1861; ...
Bird lovers from all over the north state flocked to southwest Butte County -- with Patrick Ranch as the focal point -- ...
A snow goose in West Philadelphia ’s Carroll Park neighborhood is the city’s first suspected case of a highly contagious ...
Very localized, but abundant where they occur, Snow Geese typically are seen in large numbers or not at all. Included under this heading is the 'Blue Goose,' long considered a separate species, now ...
The Snow Goose is a medium-sized goose, rather thin-necked with a stout bill. It has two colour forms, one all-white with black wing feathers, which are obvious in flight, the other white-headed with ...