This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
they're actually based on the fighting game Sonic the Fighters, the first 3D entry in the series. They're a fun set of credits, and in a pretty lengthy YouTube video, the person that made them ...
which were based on arcade game Sonic the Fighters. However, with the inclusion of Shadow the Hedgehog in the film, this provided an opportunity to create a Classic Shadow model for the first time.
Sonic the Hedgehog may star the titular blue blur, but it also has a wide and varied cast of characters. Sonic has plenty of friends, from Tails the Fox and Knuckles the Echidna who frequently ...
Sonic X Shadow Generations is giving players access to some free DLC content that was previously exclusive to a special ...
With all the game series, comics, TV shows, and movies, it can be pretty difficult to establish a timeline for Sonic The ...
A new version of The King of Fighters XIII adds rollback netcode but fans are review-bombing the original, unhappy about ...
Sure, Sega had its own titles in the form of Sonic X Shadow ... and new Virtua Fighter and Yakuza games are coming up as well. Of course, there’s still the fabled Sega Super Game to consider ...
Nintendo's original hybrid console has an incredible library, and we've heard that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be backwards ...
Before Sonic X Shadow Generations launched on 25th October 2024, Sega ran a promotion in which it gave away a free Sonic Jam character ... at no extra cost. The game will likely also have a ...