Privilege. It is a concept all too often weaponised at the intersection of sport and identity politics, where even abysmal behaviour by an athlete can be framed as a noble stand against ancient power ...
In being cleared of racially aggravated harassment, Kerr made clear how she felt privilege and power were a key part of this ...
Sam Kerr, one of the world’s top female soccer players, has been found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of a police officer ...
Chelsea striker Sam Kerr has been cleared of causing racially aggravated harassment after calling a Metropolitan Police officer “stupid and white”. The Australian international made the comments to Pc ...
Chelsea striker Sam Kerr has been cleared of causing racially aggravated harassment after calling a Metropolitan Police officer “stupid and white”. The Australian international made the comments to Pc ...
Chelsea and Australia striker Sam Kerr has been found not guilty of the racially aggravated harassment of a police officer in ...
Chelsea and Australia striker Sam Kerr arrives wither partner Kristie Mewis ... It was his way or nothing.” The taxi driver, who Ms Mewis said she believed may have been taking them “hostage”, has ...
The 31-year-old Chelsea striker, one of the world's top female players ... had been out drinking when they were driven to a ...
The Australia international is on trial charged with causing racially aggravated harassment to Pc Stephen Lovell.
The partner of Chelsea striker Sam Kerr accused police of “gaslighting” after a “very scary” incident in which the pair claim they were taken “hostage” by a taxi driver. West Ham midfielder Kristie ...