Anti-Israel protesters shouted at people attending Batsheva performances at UC Berkeley, calling dancers “ambassadors of Israeli genocide.” ...
Ground-penetrating radar data obtained by China's Zhurong rover has revealed buried beneath the Martian surface evidence of ...
UC Berkeley’s beloved peregrine falcons, Annie and Archie, have not been seen on campus since early January, raising concerns among wildlife experts that the highly contagious avian flu could be to ...
Former Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez is now interim president of Florida International University, and Jimmy Patronis, the current ...
Erowid has been the most important clearinghouse of drug information on the Internet. Among other indispensable resources, ...
This research comes as dengue-carrying mosquitoes expand their territory into new regions, including Southern California.
All twelve of Florida’s public universities will be subject to an independent review and audit under the task force.
Perhaps the biggest question regarding the future of Cal basketball is this: Will freshman Jeremiah Wilkinson and sophomore Anrej Stojakovic be on the Golden Be ...
A new book by UC Santa Cruz astrophysicist and visual artist Nia Imara debuts tomorrow that explains the universe and traces ...
For now, the discovery of ancient beaches on Mars offers a glimpse into a time when the Red Planet may have been a blue one, ...
Sidell Pakravan, a Berekely, California,–based firm uses architectural models to inform the design of its buildings. “For us, ...
Although much work has to be done heading into the future, sustainability initiatives both on a city and campus-wide level ...