She spent New Year’s Eve dancing and singing some Hindi songs, with director Imtiaz Ali also present at the musical night. In an Instagram video, in which the Heeramandi actress has been tagged, a ...
The event saw close to a hundred people at the annual event. Audience members clapped and cheered along to traditional song and dance routines performed by local performing artists and musicians of ...
The Carol Service brings together the Royal Family, celebrities, performers and inspirational people from across the UK for a special evening of hymns, songs and reflections. This year ...
In 2024, though, somes changes have been afoot – perhaps prompted by Microsoft open sourcing MS-DOS 4 back in April. No, SvarDOS hasn't switched to the MS-DOS kernel (With good reason: IBM's PC DOS 4 ...
Dance crazes, trends, and routines have always managed to make their way around the world. Yes, even before the internet and TikTok. A young person may wonder how. Well, music videos. They used to ...
The song was subjected to criticism owing to its choreography. Several social media users confessed they were not on board with the dance moves. While Rashmika has not addressed the criticism, she ...