Punjab Health minister Balbir Singh on Monday ordered power supply and fire safety audit at all medical colleges, civil hospitals, sub-divisional hospitals and block level facilities across the state.
Two suspected drug traffickers were arrested with 615 grams of smack, estimated to be worth Rs 1.23 crore, in this Uttar Pradesh district, police said on Monday. A joint team of the Nanota police ...
Crunchy veg: Finely chopping up some celery, chillies, or bell peppers allows for a more diverse array of textures. Liberal ...
I don’t mean to bemoan the power of memes, but I regret how the political has invaded every aspect of our lives.
Focus on functionality and fees helped volumes on start-up venue from Cawley and Jonns jump fivefold last year ...
A Chinese startup, which is rivalling popular AI models such as OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google's Gemini, has said they are ...