The Glienicke Bridge connects Berlin and Potsdam and was a legendary site during the Cold War. The USA and the Soviet Union ...
The pay gap between men and women has decreased slightly in Berlin and is significantly lower than the national average.
I am sure that the above sentiment spread across the land, resounded and echoed over the hills and hells of Hitler Germany ...
in Wannsee, Berlin. Made from the only surviving transcript of the meeting’s sole recording, the film revolves around the group of Nazi officials who discussed and decided to use concentration camps ...
Stiftung "Neue Synagoge Berlin - Centrum Judaicum", Gedenkstätte "Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz", Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V., Riga-Komitee der deutschen Städte, Research Foundation for ...
he challenged the consensus of his colleagues by downplaying the significance of the Wannsee Conference, where top Nazi officials were said to have gathered at a villa in a Berlin suburb in 1942 ...
The wannseeFORUM Foundation is the oldest of Berlin's seven youth education centres. The institution receives its state funding from the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, ...