上午9点左右,案件代理人李庆铎律师(北京和颐律师事务所),旁听的郭睿律师(北京市中闻律师事务所)、王兴未律师(北京愿法律师事务所),在尝试进入锡林浩特法院时,遭遇法警暴力对待。三位律师因为质疑法院不允许律师携带电子设备的合法性,被法警用辣椒水攻击面部 ...
In December 2023, we published a revised edition of the Lexicon as an eBook, which includes updated entries for 104 of the most salient terms we have collected over the past 20 years. Please ...
A self-deprecating description of individual investors who re-invest in the stock market after initial losses; also used to address youth disillusionment and endemic government corruption.
Coded support for the Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
Code name for Zhou Yongkang, former public security chief and close ally of fallen Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai; a popular brand of instant noodles. The kāng 康 in the brand name is the ...
Teng Biao, born on August 2, 1973 in Jilin Province, is a human rights lawyer, activist, and former professor who is dedicated to exposing China’s human rights abuses and fighting against its ...
Columnist and pop-psychologist Tang Yinghong employs his wide-ranging knowledge—and his public WeChat account—to analyze a host of social phenomenon in China: the mass appeal of the pollution ...
As 2024 draws to a close, CDT editors are compiling a series of the most notable content (Chinese) from across the Chinese internet over the past year. Topics include this year’s most outstanding ...
前运动员吴柳芳(56学姐)第一次被平台制裁的时候,我没有跟风一些媒体,为吴柳芳叫冤。 原因很简单: 1 看不上一些平台为了引流,一边标榜自己正能量,一边放纵软色情。 又要流量,又要牌坊,还不如Onlyfans来的光明正大。 2 ...
近日,有一些自媒体发布文章和视频,对大量外资企业已经或准备撤出苏州表示关注,表达担忧。作为外资制造业企业集聚的高地与重镇,苏州的变化对中国宏观经济影响深远,更牵动人们日益敏感的神经。 真有外资企业在撤离吗?哪些外企撤离了?比例占多大?因为什么原因撤离 ...
吴柳芳的抖音账号又被禁言了……粉丝数也从巅峰时的600多万被清理到仅剩4万。自上次舆论风波后账号解封以来,吴柳芳的账号没有更新过一条视频,没有开过一场直播,没有任何动作。很显然,再次封禁吴柳芳账号不是抖音平台的决定,也不是吴柳芳做错了什么。吴柳芳账号 ...