Jimmy Carter will turn 100 on October 1. Despite his significant accomplishments, his presidency is frequently underestimated ...
Life on Earth would not exist without the oceans and their interconnected and fragile ecosystems, many of which we barely ...
Here are the six strategies to build cohesive and effective teams.
Moody’s has upgraded its long-term deposit ratings to investment grade Baa3 from Ba1 with a stable outlook for Kaspi Bank, a ...
There is no denying that plastics have delivered tremendous benefits over the past century, driving technological innovation, ...
Глава Дагестана Сергей Меликов посетил место трагедии. «В 19:40 пожар локализован, — сообщил он в своих соцсетях. — На месте ...
«При проверке маршрута следования кортежа главы государства в Туркестанской области сотрудниками МВД, КНБ совместно с СГО ...
О кончине знаменитой актрисы сообщило издание The Gardian со ссылкой на сыновей Мэгги Смит — Криса Ларкина и Тоби Стивенса. В ...