• State Senator Cory V. McCray (D, 45th), a holdover from the previous board. In addition to a board seat, McCray was appointed EBDI’s treasurer and the chair of the finance committee.
The city’s response to her finding that 136 solid waste workers have no health insurance reflects “an entrenched culture,” says Baltimore Inspector General Isabel Mercedes Cumming.
Councilman Mark Conway’s bill would prohibit new crematoriums from being operated near residential areas – and might just block a controversial one in a Baltimore neighborhood.
A major factor in swaying the library’s board of directors in Chad Helton’s favor was his redemptive life story, Board Chair Christine Espenshade says.
Jennifer Bishop has lived and photographed in Baltimore City since 1975. She published a weekly stand-alone photograph in Baltimore’s City Paper for 17 years. These photos were described as “small, ...