Conventional approaches to the study of inequality focus on income and wealth, but an individual’s position within their ...
In a new paper in Science Advances, SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Yuanzhaho Zhang reports on how higher-order ...
COVID-19 has revealed that science needs to learn how to better deal with the irreducible uncertainty that comes with global systemic risks as well as with the social responsibility of science towards ...
One of the longest debates in economics involves the existence of a rare Hominid “species” known as Homo economicus, the economic human. H. economicus is able to determine the optimal use of its ...
Age-related declines in resiliencies can contribute to a variety of adverse health and functional outcomes in later life. Consequently, it can be more difficult for an older person to recover from ...
Humans are “complex biological systems consisting of multiple levels of non-linearly interacting elements”. Our bodies have astonishing powers of self-repair, and in the absence of catastrophic stress ...
Bender, C. M.,Cooper, F.,Khare, A.,Mihaila, B.,Saxena, A. This paper considers the PE-symmetric extensions of the equations examined by Cooper, Shepard and Sodano ...
Evolution of interdependence. Neutral constructive evolution ties genes/cells/tissues/organisms together. A random walk in the space of networks leads to the most ...
This presentation focuses on the Indigenous Pueblo nations of New Mexico. In particular, the focus is on resilience among Tewa-speaking Pueblo communities of northern New Mexico. Pueblo peoples have ...
A generic approach towards multiscale modelling will be introduced, together with examples from modelling complex multiscale physiological processes. Next, based on an admittedly shallow literature ...