New Design, Double Ended Troller Yacht - The WoodenBoat Forum
Nov 18, 2019 · The design brief for this craft was for the smallest practical motor yacht that has real cruising comfort in a displacement hull. Twenty-four feet was selected for the length, as it is still possible for regular folks to moor a 24 ft. boat in the Seattle area. As the length grows beyond that dimension, moorage costs start to increase exponentially.
63' 1935 Shane Trimmership Motor Yacht "Zimmie"
May 28, 2012 · Re: 63' 1935 Shane Trimmership Motor Yacht "Zimmie" Zimmie was the original name of this boat, built in Seattle, WA in 1935 by the Shain Manufacturing Company, Morris Shain, owner and designer (without help from Ed Monk). At 63', she is the largest yacht built by Shain. (Note: Shain is often spelled erroneously as Shane.)
Hermann Goering's Motor Yacht "Carin II" Lying in the Red Sea
Apr 30, 2008 · Well yes she's obviously not a sailing yacht but a motor yacht. Here's a description of the LOG for sale: GERM WW2 FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE THIS ULTRA RARE HERMAN GORING PERSONALITY ITEM. THE ORIGINAL LOG BOOKS FOR GORING'S FAMOUS MOTOR YACHT CARIN II, from May 1939 to August 1939 in case, plus Log books for "Royal Albert" 1947 -1948 ...
Free yacht tender plans - The WoodenBoat Forum
Jul 10, 2014 · Re: Free yacht tender plans The sailing pram at 8'6" full planset was published in Sept/ Oct 2013 Watercraft. The ply tender planset was published in Sept/Oct 2010. There was Spitfire, in another one you could build as a tender minus deck. Paul has published a design free in every bimonthly Watercraft for the last 4 years or so.
Hermann Goering's Motor Yacht "Carin II" Lying in the Red Sea
Apr 29, 2008 · Re: Hermann Goering's Motor Yacht "Carin II" Lying in the Red Sea I agree with ACB until further documentation proves otherwise. And frankly, I'd find her more attractive without the bizarre connection and history. A boat of this scope will surely have been owned by "somebody." Better a somebody I approve of!
Tripled planked yacht repair. - The WoodenBoat Forum
Nov 28, 2022 · Re: Tripled planked yacht repair. Raven- You just have to keep cutting back to good wood. Dry is best for epoxy, of course. I just finished rebuilding the stern of a large cold molded boat, (4 layers: 3 diagonal 3/8" then 3/4" fore and aft. all in epoxy.
Model Pond Yacht thoughts? - The WoodenBoat Forum
Jun 24, 2016 · Ted Geary designed a Pirate pond yacht on Pirate's lines. The plans were published in the LA Times and it was a school program, building them and competing with them. The build is pretty straightforward: the hull is built with 3/4 clear pattern pine stock, on waterline lifts ("bread and butter").
The Lady yacht Club - men only - wooden boats only
Jan 13, 2011 · This proved such a success that The "Lady" Yacht Club was formed in 1945. The name was derived from the yachts that were first sailed "Perfect Lady"1-8. This was increased to ten boats and crews with a skipper, mate and 3 crew members to each crew who normally sailed together during their membership of the club.
Help in restoring a "pond yacht?" - The WoodenBoat Forum
Jul 3, 2018 · The winner of the pond yacht competition was said to have been given a free trip to Larchmont to view the races and also was taken for a sail on that famous R classs sloop. "Pirate" now fully restored can be seen at the Center for Wooden Boats in Seattle along with a few of her pond yacht models. Plans for the pond yachts are available at the ...
"Faux" Tarred Yacht Marline - any good? - The WoodenBoat Forum
Mar 27, 2006 · The Polyester stuff labeled "yacht marline" with the wax coating is fantastic stuff. I have worked with miles of it, it produces excellent service and seizings. Seine twine is also a highly utilized substitute for traditional marline but for many applications I prefer the synthetic marline mentioned above.