Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’ (Pincushion Flower) - Gardenia
Noted for its very long blooming season, Scabiosa 'Pink Mist' (Pincushion Flower) is a compact, clump-forming perennial forming a short mound of ferny foliage. Blooming for months from early summer until fall, it rewards the gardeners with a profusion of lilac-pink pincushion-like flowers, 2 in. across (5 cm), atop wiry stems, which hover over ...
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist' - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
'Pink Mist' is a compact, clump-forming perennial which typically grows only 12-15" tall. Long and profuse bloom from late April until frost. Blooms almost all year in mild winter climates. Flowers (2" diameter) feature an outer ring of frilly pink petals and a paler domed center cushion with protruding stamens (resembling pins in a pincushion).
Scabiosa Pink Mist - Bluestone Perennials
Scabiosa Pink Mist - Common name: Pincushion Flower - The sister to Scabiosa Butterfly Blue, it retains all the great attributes of a Scabiosa, but with soft pastel pink flowers. The frilly skirt of petals surrounds a silvery, central pincushion.
Scabiosa columbaria 'Pink Mist' - Walters Gardens
Pincushion-like, pink flowers with a hint of lavender are borne atop wiry stems over a long period beginning in early summer. They hover over the short mound of ferny basal foliage. This is a reliable, long-blooming selection.
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist' | scabious 'Pink Mist' Herbaceous …
A compact, hairy herbaceous perennial to 40cm tall, forming a mound of grey-green ferny foliage and producing deep pink, pincushion flowers to 5cm across with paler centres, over a long period in summer
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist' | White Flower Farm
Blue and white Scabiosas have been a traditional stand-by of cottage gardeners, but ‘Pink Mist’ extends the color range to a soft pink. Its knots of blue-gray, ferny foliage have a modest charm of their own.
Scabiosa columbaria Pink Mist Pincushion Flower from Pleasant …
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Pink Mist’ outperforms even the longest flowering perennial – from April until frost (and even beyond!), soft pink flowers with frilly petals and Chantilly centers erupt above a mat of finely textured foliage.
Scabiosa, Pincushion Flower 'Pink Mist' - Dave's Garden
I grow 'Pink Mist' and 'Butterfly Blue'. I would say calling it pink is a stretch! It seems more mauve-lavender-sort-of-pinkish to me. If ...Read More. Mine got into the curious habit of blooming only in the early spring, while it was still cold, or in the fall after …
Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’ | James Greenhouses - perennial plugs
Scabiosa 'Pink Mist' is a tried and true favorite in the garden. It is tough and produces large amounts of pale pink flowers on tall thin stems that are great for attracting butterflies and bees. Deer resistant and drought tolerant once established.
Pink Mist Scabiosa Plants for Sale (Pincushion Flower) - GrowJoy
The Pink Mist Scabiosa Plant bears 2-inch, mauvey-pink flowers with a frilly ring of petals embracing a slightly paler, domed center with the signature Pincushion stamens. Each flower rises on a stiff stem above brilliant green, deeply veined, slightly scalloped foliage and it blooms repeatedly, all season long.