Is there a particular order in lighting candles on an advent wreath?
The Advent Wreath at our local parish has a white candle in the middle which will, of course, be lit at the Christmas Mass. From the sources that are available on line, liturgists are not in …
Is there a customary way to go around rosary beads?
Jan 13, 2016 · A question in the "same series" as: Is there a particular order in lighting candles on an advent wreath?
liturgical calendar - The Names of the Individual Sundays of Lent ...
The Names of the Individual Sundays of Lent According to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass, the Sundays of Lent are known as the following: First Sunday of Lent: Quadragesima Sunday …
Why do some Advent calendars have days in random order?
Dec 26, 2015 · Some advent calendars, such as those made by LEGO are made with calendar days shown in a random order. Why is this?
Does the Church of England omit 'Gloria in Excelsis' in Advent?
Dec 4, 2022 · Is Gloria in Excelsis - according to official guidance - omitted by the Church of England in Advent? I am looking for a specifically Church of England answer, rather than …
Origins of Ash Wednesday - Christianity Stack Exchange
Oct 13, 2014 · cf. What Are the Origins of Ash Wednesday and the Use of Ashes? by Fr. William Saunders | Catholic Culture. In part The early Church continued the usage of ashes for the …
catholicism - How does one confess the sin of adulation?
Mar 20, 2025 · This aides the priest-confessor in understanding what an appropriate penance would be and also in helping the priest in providing appropriate information in order to aid the …
Was the entire planet the Garden of Eden? If not, what what was …
Dec 31, 2024 · The garden of Eden was not just any garden, it had special status in the sense that it had trees that were unlike any other trees on the rest of the planet. It had a tree called …
What exactly is "Ordinary Time" in the Catholic Church's liturgical ...
Jan 19, 2015 · The Ordinary time is a period within the Church's liturgical year that does not celebrate like Christmastide (25 of dic.- sunday after epiphany) or Pascha (Easter sunday …
What are the Church fathers' arguments that Peter is the rock?
Jan 18, 2015 · References 1 "Peter the Rock" by Tim Staples at Catholic Answers 2 The Retractions (The Fathers of the Church, Volume 60) by Saint Augustine 3 Scorpiace by …