Anime women, who are wearing suits - Reddit
r/animewomeninsuits: Suits, and the anime women who are wearing them
Female anime characters in suit : r/anime - Reddit
Jun 20, 2022 · Shoko from Healer Girl was always suited up. Obviously not exactly a super well known or popular character or anime but I feel like I have to bring her up because the Healer Girl finale is still fresh in my mind and I liked both her and the anime quite a lot.
r/formalwaifus - Reddit
r/formalwaifus: Anime girls wearing suits, gowns, and everything in between.
Has there ever been a mecha anime where a girl is the energy
Aug 20, 2023 · As you point out, that would be a big plot twist that the robot secretly had a real person powering it, which means that recommending you any such shows would spoil it. But yes there has technically been several mecha anime where the robot is a person/girl/woman
Exo-suit anime : r/Animesuggest - Reddit
Feb 18, 2013 · They actually made an official anime adaption of Starship Troopers back in 1988 (here's its MAL page). They kept the suits more or less man-sized, but changed the alien designs. And -- like the original novel -- quite a lot of the anime doesn't involve combat at all. I can't say it's a classic, but it's an interesting historical curiosity.
[TOMT][ANIME][1990s possibly early 2000s] A girl with orange
Nov 14, 2022 · It is this one anime where the girl has long orange hair. It looked kind of messy with two pieces of the hair curling at the front. Her dress was red, and it looked very old-fashioned sort of like the style of dresses from 1800s. I presumed the anime was from the 1990s or very early 2000s based on the art style.
r/anime on Reddit: Where did the "Bunny Suit Girl" originate …
I feel like the idea of a red bunny suit girl riding on a flying object with a weapon or the red bunny suit is something from a classic anime or something. Gurren Lagan had bunny suit girls and a few others have also had them pop up, either in the show or in the extra art.
r/BunnyGirlCosplay - Reddit
r/BunnyGirlCosplay: A place and haven for all of the lovely bunny girl cosplays out there. Read the rules and keep it classy.
Heroines that uses “bodysuits”? : r/anime - Reddit
Sep 28, 2023 · What anime/manga are there where the main female characters uses bodysuits, often imagined in "female super spies" or female motorcyclists, similar to Kasuga from Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings. I don't mind something somewhat close like Rider/Medusa of Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel.
what are some anime where main characters wear bodysuits?
Jul 19, 2023 · Related Anime forward back r/criticalrole Fan-run discussion forum for the liveplay D&D show Critical Role and other media produced by Critical Role, including The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime.