Avacado Pufferfish - Auriglobus modestus Fish Profile & Care Guide
The Avocado Pufferfish (Auriglobus modestus) is a species of intelligent and inquisitive fish that is relatively rare in the aquarium trade. These puffers are known for their aggressive fin-nipping …
Avocado Puffer - Tropical Fish Keeping
Mar 18, 2015 · The Golden Puffer should be housed in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons, filtered with a canister filter that can change the tank water over 6 to 10 times per hour, and set up …
The Amazing Avocado Puffer Fish: A Guide to this Unique Creature
Oct 26, 2023 · Another factor that contributes to the diversity of avocado puffer fish species is their size. While the average avocado puffer fish can grow to be around 12 inches in length, …
Puffer – Avocado Puffer Fish - Arizona Aquatic Gardens
Maximum size in aquariums (min-max): 24 – 29 cm ( 9.45 – 11″) The Avocado Puffer is a generally aggressive and intolerant species that really should be kept alone or with other …
Bronze Puffer (Auriglobus modestus) information and care sheet
The Avocado Puffer (Auriglobus modestus), often known as the Golden or Bronze Puffer, is a freshwater fish endemic to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand's fast-flowing rivers. It lives in …
Avocado Puffer - Absolutely Fish Naturals
pH: 7.0-8.0 Max Size: 4.5"-6" Minimum Tank Size: 30g Plant Safe: Yes Foods: Bloodworms, Clam on a Half Shell, ABN Chromo Pellet, Algaemax Pellets The Avocado Puffer is native to …
Freshwater Tropical Fish: Avocado Puffer, Golden Puffer, Bronze ...
Avocado Puffer - Auriglobus modestus Also known as the Bronze Puffer or Golden Puffer. Can live in freshwater though recommended to be in slightly brackish water for better health. Size …
Avocado Puffer – Puffer Central
The energetic Avocado Pufferfish is also commonly known as the Bronze Puffer or Golden Pufferfish. They have the ability to live and adapt in freshwater but we highly recommend …
Golden Puffer (Auriglobus modestus) - Aqua Imports
Golden Puffer (Auriglobus modestus) Origin: Wild Thailand Diet: Micropredator, feeds on small insects and crustaceans in the wild. Will accept most frozen and prepared foods in the …
Avocado Puffer - Mastah Betta
Max Size: Avocado Puffer can reach a maximum size of about 6-8 inches. Water Parameters: Avocado Puffer prefers slightly brackish water conditions with a salinity level of 1.005-1.008. …