Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA - U.S.
Feb 24, 2025 · The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator allows you to convert emissions or energy data to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions from using that amount. The calculator helps you translate abstract measurements into concrete terms you can understand, such as the annual emissions from cars, households, or power plants.
CO2 equivalents - Climate Change Connection
Jun 23, 2020 · A table to convert all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into CO2 equivalents so they can be compared.
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator - Calculations and References
Nov 18, 2024 · The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator uses the Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) regionally specific or national weighted average CO 2 marginal emission rate to convert avoided kilowatt-hours into avoided units of carbon dioxide emissions, depending on the user input.
CO2 Quantity Conversions Calculator - Universal Industrial Gases
Our CO₂ quantity conversion calculator is designed to provide accurate, efficient conversions for carbon dioxide flow and usage rates.
The following table includes the 100-year time horizon global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2. This table is adapted from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014 (AR5)i.
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA
The greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator can help you understand just that, translating abstract measurements into concrete terms you can understand, such as equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions of 183,000 cars annually.
Energy and the Environment - US EPA
May 27, 2020 · The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator uses the AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT) U.S. national weighted average CO 2 marginal emission rate to convert reductions of kilowatt-hours into avoided units of carbon dioxide emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | NOAA Climate.gov
The greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator can be used to translate abstract measurements into concrete terms you can understand, such as "equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions of 183,000 cars annually."
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA
Oct 15, 2018 · Did you ever wonder what reducing carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions by 1 million metric tons means in everyday terms? The greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator can help …
How to calculate carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from different …
Jun 5, 2012 · Following table shows GWP of different GHGs; Following examples will provide calculation methods as per the GHG protocol and ISO 14064-1; Example 1: GHG emission from the burning of diesel in stationary source i.e. DG sets. Burning of fuel in stationary source emits Methane and Nitrous oxide.