Potara - Dragon Ball Wiki
The Potara (ポタラ, Potara) are earrings worn by Supreme Kais and their apprentices. Despite being worn so casually, they have incredible properties, allowing two individuals to fuse or permitting the wearer to use the Time Rings.
Will the Potara Prevail?! - Dragon Ball Wiki
"Will the Potara Prevail?!" (成せい功こうするか!?ポタラの合がっ体たい!, Seikō Suru Ka!? Potara no Gattai!, lit. "Is This Gonna Work?! The Potara Fusion!") is the three hundred eighth chapter of Dragon Ball Z and the five hundred-second overall chapter of the Dragon Ball manga. Goku suddenly stops and asks if they...
Potara, Potala, Potaraka | The Dao of Dragon Ball
Oct 3, 2010 · According to Kanzentai.com, in The Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume, “On p.63 it describes the Potara fusion as being closer to multiplication rather than simple addition in the way it increases power. Supposedly, Vegetto’s battle power is equivalent to Goku’s battle power multiplied by Vegeta’s.
The Unspoken "Law" of Potara (?). - Kanzenshuu
Jan 24, 2016 · It's as if the Potara ignores the name "Goku Black" and his appearance and goes for a Zamasu and Zamasu fusion. Hence the name "Merged Zamasu", not "Gokusu", "Zamaku". Or even "Kakasu", "Zamarotto".
Would Potara fusion between Goku and Gohan be stronger than ... - Reddit
Oct 8, 2021 · The guide named The Legend of Manga confirmed that Vegito is stronger than an hypothetical Gokhan. because Goku and Vegeta are rivals, and being rivals gave a boost to potara fusion. The manga mentions this apparent boost.
How could Gohan fail to catch the Potara? : r/dragonball - Reddit
People always say that Gohan failed to catch the potara, but Goku also failed to throw it at him properly. He throws it behind him, you'd think he would be able to throw it straight at Gohan.
Gokule - Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Gokule, also known as Gotan (ゴタン, Gotan), is the hypothetical Potara Fusion of Goku and Mr. Satan. Gokule is seen to equally resemble both his original counterparts: Goku and Mr. Satan. Gokule is seen to have Goku's body build with Satan's hairstyle, Goku’s eyes …
Theoretically, how much stronger would a potara fusion with Goku …
Jun 1, 2015 · Although Vegetto had the benefit of Goku and Vegeta's rivalry making their fusion better, the immense difference in strength between Gohan and Vegeta would have essentially made a theoretical Goku/Gohan potara fusion that much greater.
Potara - Animated Character Database | Fandom
The Potara (ポタラ Potara) are earrings worn by Supreme Kais and their apprentices. Despite being worn so casually, they have incredible properties, allowing two individuals to fuse or permitting the wearer to use the Time Rings.
The Power of Potara in Dragon Ball Z - DBZ Store
Aug 9, 2023 · Throughout the Dragon Ball Z series, there have been several notable examples of characters using Potara fusion to overcome powerful enemies or achieve new levels of strength. Here are some of the most famous Potara fusions: Vegito. Vegito is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta through the Potara earrings.