Do No Half-Moons on Your Fingernails Mean Celiac Disease?
Feb 27, 2020 · Does no half-moons on your fingernails mean you have celiac disease? Certainly, symptoms of celiac disease include problems with skin, hair and nails, and even seemingly harmless defects in dental enamel .
Ridges In Fingernails - Celiac.com
Jul 14, 2006 · I had vertical ridges in my fingernails and horizontal dips in both my thumbnails--they have completely gone away at one year+ gluten-free.
breaking fingernails. - Celiac.com
Mar 14, 2024 · The celiac ride has not been smooth for me. I was diagnosed last July by endscopy and continue to have some problems that I thought would go away. But my fingernails are a new problem. They began breaking in the past month or so - what might I not be getting enough of? My GI specialist prescribed...
Half Moons On Fingernails - Celiac.com
Apr 26, 2005 · Also women in pregnancy and nursing (especially vegetarians), people with malabsorption (celiac disease), diabetes, people with severe thyroid problems, as well as breast-fed children of vegetarians and persons, that are older …
White Flecks On Fingernails... - Celiac.com
Mar 30, 2005 · White specks on your fingernails are calcium deposits and are related to celiac. On some symptom list on this site, they are listed. I have them on my fingernails also.
Fingernails - Celiac.com
Nov 17, 2005 · I had my nails sent off to a lab, and it was psoriasis. mine looks like i scratched up my nails with sandpaper and could be easily confused with fungus. psoriasis is related to celiac disease and if you get your gluten under control, it should improve (mine seemed to). there are creams available to help with this too. you can also get this on ...
Fingernails (pictures Of Disorders) - Celiac.com
Jul 21, 2005 · I have also had those little white dashes in my fingernails all my life and thought they were "bruises". (Otherwise my nails are very strong and fast growing) I thought everyone had them and didn't find out otherwise until I discovered they were a symptom of celiac disease and I started asking other people if they had them...and they didn't.
Finger Nail Abnormalities - Celiac.com
Apr 25, 2010 · Does anyone else have this? When many of my symptoms started, I also got horizontal bumps and dents in ALL my nails, still have them 2 yrs later.
Ridges In Fingernails - Page 2 - Celiac.com
Jul 14, 2006 · Many people with celiac disease, especially those who are in the 0-2 year range of their recovery, have additional food intolerance issues which could be temporary.
Strange Fingernails. - Celiac.com
Oct 26, 2006 · My hubby has 'club ' fingernails and toenails.They curve right over. I know this usually associated with heart/lung probs but he has neither They definitely got worse as he got more ill (before he finally got dx with celiac disease)