Légis Québec
The Civil Code of Québec, in harmony with the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11), the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and property.
Légis Québec
Le Code civil du Québec régit, en harmonie avec la Charte de la langue française (chapitre C-11), la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (chapitre C-12) et les principes généraux du droit, les personnes, les rapports entre les personnes, ainsi que les biens.
CCQ-1991 - Légis Québec
Regulation under article 1614 of the Civil Code respecting the discounting of damages for bodily injury CCQ, r. 2 : Regulation respecting the minimum market capitalization of a company for the purposes of paragraph 9 of article 1339 of the Civil Code CCQ, r. 3 : Rules respecting the solemnization of civil marriages and civil unions
CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec - Légis Québec
Feb 9, 2022 · Those restrictions may not be set up by the lessor against the lessee unless they are set out in the lease and, in the case of a dwelling referred to in the second paragraph, unless the lease indicates the maximum rent that the lessor may impose in the five years after the date on which the immovable is ready for its intended use.
Légis Québec
Feb 21, 2024 · The Civil Code of Québec, in harmony with the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11), the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and property.
The Civil Code of Québec, in harmony with the Charter of the French language (chapter C-11), the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and
CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec - Légis Québec
Nov 15, 2017 · This Code replaces the Civil Code of Lower Canada adopted by chapter 41 of the statutes of 1865 of the Legislature of the Province of Canada, An Act respecting the Civil Code of Lower Canada, as amended.
CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec - Légis Québec
May 17, 2024 · CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec. Section 1392 Disposition versions. Full text Show all versions Hide all versions . In force date. 2022-11-01 Show full text at this date
CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec - Légis Québec
Oct 6, 2017 · CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec. Section 1457 Disposition versions. Full text Show all versions Hide all versions . In force date. 2016-04-06 Show full text at this date 1457. Every person has a duty to abide by the rules of conduct incumbent on him, according to the circumstances, usage or law, so as not to cause injury to another.
CCQ-1991 - Civil Code of Québec - Légis Québec
Oct 9, 2024 · 64. The other rules that apply to the procedure for a change of name and to the publication of the application, and the duties payable by the person making the application as well as the persons or categories of persons who may be exempt from paying those duties, are determined by regulation of the Government.