D1.5 Certification - American Welding Society
Sep 12, 2017 · It depends on what type of work you want to do. There is little difference between D1.1 and D1.5 other than D1.5 only allows hand tools for interpass cleaning. Neither D1.1 or D1.5 is going to be of any use if you are applying for a position with a mechanical contractor that will be welding pipe. Good luck - Al
D1.1 vs D1.5 - American Welding Society
Nov 13, 2005 · D1.5 is more strict than D1.1 with regards to witnessing of the tests and as you mentioned, no grinding, so this may help you promote your stance. Are the D1.5 welders qualified in pipe and tubing? I haven't been involved with the bridge code in years, but it seems that I remember something about D1.5 not having provisions for qualifications ...
Differances Between D1.1 and D1.5 - American Welding Society
Dec 2, 2008 · D1.5 WPS's must control heat input to the essential variables qualified by the PQR. With D1.1 PQR amps can vary by +/- 10%, volts +/- 7% , travel +/- 25%, and heat input by + 10% (no limit shown for reduction in heat input) A lot of D1.1 welding is prequalified if within the manufacturer's recommended ranges; which are pretty wide ranges.
D1.1 - D1.5 welder qualification - American Welding Society
Jul 5, 2010 · D1.5 does not address tubular structures, so there is no equivalent welder qualification test. Typically a welder qualified to D1.5 is acceptable for work meeting D1.1, but a welder qualified to D1.1 is not permitted to weld per D1.5 without requalification per D1.5 I hope this is some help in answering your question.
D1.5:2008 vs D1.1:2008 Comparison - American Welding Society
Jan 28, 2009 · A summary of differences between D1.5:2008 and D1.1:2008 (feel free to add to this list). In short D1.1 and D1.5 are different enough that when you switch between the codes you need to leave any preconceived notions behind otherwise you will likely get burned.
Certify Welder to D1.1 and D1.5 - American Welding Society
Oct 22, 2009 · The change to the D1.5 weld reinforcement on the welder qual plate had to do with the fact that D1.5 doesn't allow any grinding on the test plate. The final profile requirement for production welds is 1/8", but this can be achieved by grinding; there's no code requirement for welders to be able to produce 1/8" reinforcement in production ...
AWS D1.1 vs AWS D1.5 - American Welding Society
Jan 15, 2010 · I design temporary excavation support structures and typically use AWS D1.1 for the limited welding (i.e., field fillet welds) that I require for my projects. A recent review by a state agency for a temporary structure came back wanting to change the welding code to AWS D1.5.
D1.5 endorsement exam study materials - American Welding Society
Jan 10, 2020 · The main point to remember would be a combination of Al, Scott, and Lawrence's posts. 1) Since the questions will be very similar, use the flashcards as practice for D1.5 and don't worry about how they compare with the current edition of D1.1.
D1.5 PQR question/reassurance - American Welding Society
Mar 11, 2010 · Note that D1.5 - 5.8.2 says that flat position (1G) test welds will also qualify horizontal (2G) welding. As far as fillets go, you will still have to do a fillet weld soundness test for your production welding positions.
D1.5 PQR Essential Variables - American Welding Society
Jan 16, 2007 · Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.5 PQR Essential Variables By MErboe Date 12-06-2006 15:07 As its time to do our testing for D1.5 Fracture Critical WPSs, I was wondering what happened to the shielding gas Essential variable listed in Table 5.3 (1995 Edition) that states a change from a single gas to a gas mix ...