PAVERDECK | TILE-DECK | PLANK | Lifetime Maintenance-Free …
Design your space the way you want – A PAVERDECK™ deck or plank structure can be cut and shaped into any design and can be adapted to any finish with traditional or new materials – natural wood, stone / concrete pavers, porcelain or stone tile, poured concrete.
Upper Level Deck - Paverdeck
Upper level decks can add a beautiful living space to your home, as well as nice view. However, upper-level decks are more complex to design and build and come with a number of considerations. In some jurisdictions, the building division may require a professional engineer to review and signoff on your design prior to a permit being issued.
How To - Paverdeck
Learn all the How To's about Paverdeck by reading the installation guide. It tells you everything from the components of the deck to point loads.
PAVERDECK| Beautiful Outdoor Spaces | Stone Cocnrete Pavers
Mar 18, 2019 · Install PAVERDECK™ at any level as a patio or elevated at any height. Concrete or stone pavers have the durability to withstand the weather and the sun – no distortion, warping, fading. You can easily change a paver should one crack or stain.
Deck Plank | Tile Deck | Rebuild - | Maintenance Free Decking
You can install porcelain tiles or pavers over top of an existing wood deck structure with our patented galvanized steel plank. Porcelain tile or pavers are the best option where temperatures may drop to below zero.
Installation - Paverdeck
Mar 18, 2019 · Read about company news, our process, our technology, and our assembly tips.
The Paverdeck System - Paverdeck
Mar 18, 2019 · Grade level, standard level, and walkout decks. A Paverdeck can be installed on grade or at any elevation for residential and commercial applications. It can be free-standing or attached to your house, on footings or on deckpads.
Lifetime Maintenance Free - Paverdeck
A field paver can be easily removed and replaced for little cost. Compare this with trying to replace a single composite deck board and trying to match the color. With a simple paver, the material costs of a PAVERDECK™ and a traditional cedar wood or …
Where to Buy - Paverdeck
Stone Deck Landscapes – West, Kelowna BC (778) 215-3454 [email protected]; Ontario. Stonedeck.ca Greater Toronto Area 647-962-DECK (3325) [email protected] . Stonedeck.ca Ottawa, ON 613-863-2893 [email protected] . Stoneplace.com Kitchener/Cambridge/London 519-894-1880 [email protected] . …