Difference between "explain" and "describe" [closed]
Oct 10, 2012 · What is the difference between "explain" and "describe"? When to use one over the other?
"Explain" VS "Describe" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Explain is about causes and motives. Describe is just about events. Imagine a policeman finding out what happened. Policeman: Please describe what happened. Witness: I saw the man slap …
What is the difference between an explain and describe question?
If a question asks you to explain it wants you to say WHY something happens. Whereas if the question says describe it wants you to say WHAT happens. For example;...
How do I answer a 'Describe and Explain' question? - MyTutor
A brilliantly simple technique that will set you on the right track to doing this is to write ‘because’ after your description. Easy peasy! A classic example question is “Looking at the graph given, …
What is the difference between "explaining" and "analysing"?
For example, when you're picking out a quote for an essay, only a sentence or two should "explain" where it came from, and the rest of the paragraph should be analysing why the …
word choice - "Describe with" vs. "describe by" - English Language ...
May 30, 2015 · We describe the input by an exponential function. My understanding is that in this type of situation, with is used if the object is more like a tool and by if it is the active agent.
grammar - Using 'that' or 'how' after DESCRIBE - English Language ...
Feb 11, 2015 · Here is an Ngram showing the relative popularity of describe how and describe that. I've used the terms " described how they " and " described that they " for comparison.
What is the difference between the exam technique for an
However, an "explain" or "discuss" question requires more analysis. The examiner is still looking for relevant, accurate knowledge backed up by evidence, however now there they are …
What is the difference between 'describe' and 'explain ... - MyTutor
Students should recognise that 'describe' and 'explain' questions require different approaches. When being asked to 'describe' a figure, the student should simply state the trends occurring …
"Explain" versus "Explicate" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Nov 8, 2013 · The fundamental difference between explain and explicate is the presence of the 'person' in the first case. Simpler things first: You explain it to someone. You explicate it. …