Solved Divergent Boundaries: Identify five (5) different - Chegg
Question: Divergent Boundaries: Identify five (5) different divergent plate boundaries (spreading centers) on the earth. What general geologic features/phenomena (i.e, earthquakes, volcanoes, trenches, mountains, etc.) are associated with this boundary? Be carefui, not all features labeled "ridge"on the map are tectonic spreading centers.
What types of stress are present at divergent plate boundaries?
Jun 14, 2024 · divergent plate boundaries are associated with normal faulting. Thus there is a horizontal least compressive stress, vertical most compressive stress and a intermediate horizontal stress.
Solved Divergent plate boundaries are characteristic of - Chegg
Answer to Divergent plate boundaries are characteristic of. Understand that divergent plate boundaries are where new plates are generated at the mid-oceanic ridge and move apart from this ridge, which is also known as the spreading center.
Solved DIVERGENT BOUNDARY FEATURES Learning Objectives …
Part 1: Interpretation of Features at Divergent Boundaries Below is a cross section of a divergent plate boundary, The ocean surface is indicated by a dashed line. 1. Drow a vertical line across the divergent plate boundary on the diagram. 2. On each plate, draw one arrow showing the direction it …
Why are divergent boundaries considered constructive while
Jun 2, 2024 · At a constructive (divergent) plate boundary, new crust is being created to infill the gaps caused by spreading plates. At a destructive (subduction-convergent) plate boundary, old, dense oceanic ...
What type of volcanic rock is generally found at divergent plate ...
May 22, 2024 · Basalt is the most common type of volcanic rock found at divergent plate boundaries due to its low silica content, which allows it to flow easily and form extensive lava flows. This answer is ...
What type of rocks formed at divergent plate boundaries?
Aug 9, 2023 · At divergent plate boundaries, you typically find basaltic magma. At convergent plate boundaries, where one plate is forced beneath another, you find andesitic to rhyolitic magma due to the ...
What kind of landforms are formed at divergent plate boundaries ...
Nov 4, 2022 · What plate boundary is the Erta Ale volcano on? Erta Ale volcano is located on the East African Rift, which is a divergent plate boundary. Divergent boundaries are where two tectonic plates are ...
Solved What are the 3 locations where magma forms? divergent
1) Divergent plate boundaries - Decompression melting causes magma to develop at divergent borders. Additionally, decompression melting … View the full answer
On each plate, draw one arrow showing the direction it is moving. 3. Draw one arrow in the mantle (colored light gray) below the divergent plan boundary showing the direction the mantle is moving 4. Circle the two features that can be found at divergent plate boundaries. ocean ridge deep ocean French mountain range lava subducting plate 5.