Ebola virus-like particles protect from lethal Ebola virus infection - PNAS
Dec 12, 2003 · Coexpression of the Ebola virus glycoprotein (GP) and matrix protein (VP40) in mammalian cells results in spontaneous production and release of virus-like particles (VLPs) that resemble the distinctively filamentous infectious virions.
Structure of Ebola Virus - MicrobiologyInfo.com
Aug 10, 2022 · Ebola Virus are generally approximately 80 nm in diameter, 970 nm long. They are cylindrical/tubular, and contain viral envelope, matrix, and nucleocapsid components.
Structural basis for Ebola virus nucleocapsid assembly and …
Mar 10, 2025 · Here, the authors use cryo-electron microscopy to structurally characterise the Ebola virus nucleocapsid within virus-like particles, uncovering how specific interactions regulate viral...
Ebola Virus VP40 Drives the Formation of Virus-Like Filamentous ...
Using biochemical assays, it has been demonstrated that expression of Ebola virus VP40 alone in mammalian cells induced production of particles with a density similar to that of virions.
Components Of An Ebola Virus Particle: Unveiling The Deadly …
Mar 9, 2024 · An Ebola virus particle, also known as a virion, is made up of various components that allow it to infect and replicate within host cells. These components include genetic material, proteins, and a lipid envelope.
Ebola Virus VP40-Induced Particle Formation and Association …
Here we have demonstrated that VP40 of Ebola virus, when it is expressed in the absence of other viral proteins, can induce the formation of membrane-encompassed particles, much in the manner of the matrix proteins of VSV, rabies virus, and …
Budding of Ebola Virus Particles Requires the Rab11-Dependent …
Ebola virus encodes 7 structural genes that assemble to yield distinct filamentous viral particles. The EBOV-encoded major matrix protein VP40 traffics to the plasma membrane (PM), which leads to the formation and release of the virus-like particles (VLPs), even …
Impact of Ebola virus nucleoprotein on VP40 virus-like particle ...
May 25, 2024 · Ebola virus (EBOV) matrix protein VP40 can assemble and bud as virus-like particles (VLPs) when expressed alone in mammalian cells. Nucleoprotein (NP) could be recruited to VLPs as inclusion...
Ebola virus VP40-induced particle formation and association with …
We found that VP40 is indeed able to induce particle formation when it is expressed in mammalian cells, and this process appeared to rely on a conserved N-terminal PPXY motif, as mutation or loss of this motif resulted in markedly reduced particle formation.
Interferon-Induced HERC5 Inhibits Ebola Virus Particle ... - PubMed
Sep 13, 2021 · Using a transcription- and replication-competent VLP system, we showed that HERC5 inhibits EBOV virus-like particle (VLP) replication by depleting EBOV mRNAs. The HERC5 RCC1-like domain was necessary and sufficient for this inhibition and did not require zinc finger antiviral protein (ZAP).