Hunting & Fishing Pa. fox squirrels - where are they? - Sniper's Hide
Jul 19, 2008 · i love squirrel hunting, a great way to spend a day, with usually alot of action. out in western / central pennsylvania, i've heard there are plenty fox squirrels, which are much larger than greys, averaging 1.5 lbs., and for a squirrel hunter, i think it's worth a trip, as we don't have any in my area that i know of.
.223 to much for squirrel hunting? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Feb 26, 2009 · Re: .223 to much for squirrel hunting? Southern Fox Squirrels are much tougher than most any other animal I've ever seen. I've hit one 3 times with hi-brass 6 out of a 12 gauge before from less than 40 yards, and the sucker was still running.
Hunting & Fishing 17 HMR 20gr FMJ for grey squirrels? - Sniper's …
Feb 23, 2010 · For the past few years I've been hunting squirrels with my trusty 17 HMR but I'm getting real sick of wasting meat due to the damage the polymer tip Hornady rounds. Grey squirrels here in Northeast PA aren't very big so such an explosive round might be overkill. I've been thinking about trying the 20gr FMJ CCI's to see how they do.
.22 Rimfire Squirrel Rifles | Sniper's Hide Forum
May 14, 2021 · Got the hankering for a mess of fried squirrel last year though and shot a few out the pecan trees with my trusty Marlin 39a topped off with a 4x Unertl Hawk scope. I used to do a lot of squirrel hunting with my 1976 Ruger Mk.1 target but my eye sight got to where I can see the sights well enough anymore.
Rimfire Squirrel Hunting Journal | Sniper's Hide Forum
May 26, 2022 · One of my other squirrel sniper tools is an 80yr old Win model 69A topped with a 4x Unertl. That is really a better squirrel rifle than the Bergara but it lacks the threaded muzzle for the new toy. Maybe I should have it threaded? It would be a cool mix of new and old. I use the Eley HV HP ammo too. It is the best hunting ammo I can find.
.223 to much for squirrel hunting? | Page 2 - Sniper's Hide
Feb 21, 2009 · Re: .223 to much for squirrel hunting? stupid is is stupid does. .308 is artillary to a cottontail. at 10 yards i was wearing a still beating bunny heart and it snowed fur for a few minutes. i was a bit dissapointed cuz i love eating thumper. i just thought if i just hit him in the head then boooooommmmm! dont hunt rabbit and deer same day without switching arms.
Hunting & Fishing 2018 Squirrel Hunting with 17 Mach2 - Sniper's …
Oct 17, 2013 · In range session prior to season, I was impressed with the little 17's flat trajectory and precision compared to my Anschutz sporter in 22lr. Plus the 17 seemed to hit the same POA hot or cold. The Annie has a bad habit of shooting high right on the CB shot and most hunting shots are cold bore.
Smallbore Silhouette 2011 - Factoryville Pa. - Sniper's Hide
Mar 6, 2011 · In the event anyone is interested, below is a link ( and a shameless promotion ) to our smallbore silhouette matches in Factoryville, Pa. If you've never tried it, it's a great way to learn or "re-learn" off hand shooting skills for either target or …
Hunting & Fishing - Caliber for Red Fox | Sniper's Hide Forum
What caliber would be best for red fox without destroying the hide? I'm sure .223 is too big. What about .17 HMR?
Best semi auto 20 ga for squirrel | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 13, 2022 · Hunted squirrels with a shotgun all my life. 20 ga is fine. Here in Louisiana squirrel season opens the first Saturday in October and the trees are almost in full foliage until late November, and many times you have to shoot through a lot of foliage at a squirrel jumping from limb to limb. Shotgun is the ticket.