Home | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on ...
LibreOffice is a private, free and open source office suite – the successor project to OpenOffice. It's compatible with Microsoft Office/365 files (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx) and is backed by a non-profit organisation.
What is LibreOffice? | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite ...
LibreOffice is a powerful, free and private office suite - the successor project to OpenOffice - used by millions of people around the world. It's compatible with Microsoft Office (365) and is backed by a non-profit organisation, The Document Foundation.
Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite ...
Download free office suite for Windows, macOS and Linux. Microsoft compatible, based on OpenOffice, and updated regularly.
Free Office Suite
LibreOffice is Free and Open Source Software. Development is open to new talent and new ideas, and our software is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community
Calc | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on ...
Calc is the free spreadsheet program you've always needed. Newcomers find it intuitive and easy to learn, while professional data miners and number crunchers appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.
LibreOffice Danmark » LibreOffice Danmark
LibreOffice er en omfattende og professionel kontorpakke, som du kan hente og installere gratis, uden frygt for krænkelse af ophavsretten. Der er en stor base af tilfredse LibreOffice-brugere på verdensplan, og programmet er tilgængeligt på mere end 100 sprog og til alle større operativsystemer, herunder Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X og GNU / Linux.
Willkommen | LibreOffice - Freie Office Suite – Nachfolger von …
LibreOffice ist ein leistungsstarkes Office-Paket, und der Nachfolger von OpenOffice. Die klare Oberfläche und mächtigen Werkzeuge lassen Sie Ihre Kreativität entfalten und Ihre Produktivität steigern.
Welcome | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite - Based on ...
Impressum (Legal Info) | Datenschutzerklärung (Privacy Policy) | Statutes (non-binding English translation) - Satzung (binding German version) | Copyright ...
LibreOffice Online | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite ...
Absolutely, LibreOffice Online is Open Source Free software, just download and use it, inspect, study, share, modify and contribute back to the project. Just be aware that the version you have downloaded is designed for personal and/or development use so there is an un-supported notification displayed when you exceed to 10 concurrent documents ...
What's LibreOffice | Your Site Name - your tagline here
LibreOffice is Free and Open Source Software. It is developed development is open to new talent and new ideas, and our software is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community; you, too, can get involved and influence its future development.